Aviel Haberman, DPT

Aviel grew up in an Air Force family that settled in Davis in 1999. She attended Davis High School and UC Davis. She worked and traveled for several years before choosing to pursue a Physical Therapy degree at CSU-Sacramento. Aviel feels that the growth-mindset at Folsom Physical Therapy aligns with both her strengths and goals. Aviel’s professional interests include: Exercise over the lifespan, safe loading of the spine and joints, coordination and balance training, mind-body awareness, manual therapy and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, pain science, trauma-informed care, and interprofessional collaboration.


Doctor of Physical Therapy
California State University, Sacramento

Bachelor of Science in Human Development
University of California, Davis

Specialized Education

Orthopedic Physical Therapy Practice
Folsom Physical Therapy, Orthopedic Manual Therapy Seminar 

Pelvic Function Level 1
Herman & Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute 
Feburary 2024

Professional Experience

Physical Therapist
Folsom Physical Therapy & Training Center | 2024 – present 

Publications and Presentations

A Call to Action: Develop Physical Therapy Practice Guidelines to Affirm People Who Identify as LGBTQIA+
Physical Therapy Journal | Mar 26, 2024

Acute Physical Therapy Management of a 58-year-old Female post Surgical Intervention for a Re-Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysm
Presented at California Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference, 2024
Planned Presentation at American Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference, 2025

Professional Associations

California Physical Therapy Association

American Physical Therapy Association
Geriatric Section | Orthopedic Section |Research Section

Aviel Haberman, DPT

Aviel Haberman, DPT

Physical Therapist

When Aviel is not at work, she enjoys bouldering with her partner, backpacking with her dad, drinking tea with her mom, and exercising with friends. She loves being outside and spending time with animals.

What Our Clients Say

Mary R.

Awesome therapists and exercise classes run by a therapist. Their focus is on getting patients well; it is a positive and encouraging environment. They have the best therapists, well worth the drive if you don’t live in the Sacramento area. Personally, I wouldn’t go anywhere else for physical therapy.

Mary R.
San Francisco, CA via Yelp
Amy B.

Folsom Physical Therapy is a great place to heal as well as strengthen to prevent future injuries.  I love the exercise classes led by physical therapists.  They help keep you safe while adding variety to your workout program.  Very knowledgeable, caring staff!

Amy B.
Folsom, CA

Request an Appointment

Please indicate your preferred therapist, if any, and someone from our appointment desk will get back to you. If you would like to call to book your appointment, our number is (916) 355-8500.

8 + 3 =

Our Professional Affiliations

Folsom Physical Therapy and Training Center
115 Natoma Street
Folsom, CA 95630
Phone: (916) 355-8500
Fax: (916) 355-8196

Independent Gym
7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Appointment Desk
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Fitness Classes

M/W/F 8:00 am
M/W 10:00 am, 2:30 pm
T/TH 6:30 am, 9:30 am, 2:30 pm