Osteoporosis Mitigation Program

The magnitude of the osteoporosis issue in the US was recently brought to our attention by our clients.  It is a silent condition until a fracture occurs.  Research shows that one in two Caucasian and Asian American women over 50 will suffer a fracture due to deficient bone density.  Evidence is robust that indicates the potential to reverse osteoporotic changes through diet and sufficiently intense exercise.  Navigating such a program requires knowledgeable guidance as many in need have comorbidities.

How do our physical therapists help with spinal and extremity rehabilitation?

Folsom PT physical therapists are the ideal professionals to guide the development and progression of a bone health program as they are experts in musculoskeletal care, exercise, fall prevention and lifestyle adaptations which are all necessary to prevent, mitigate or potentially reverse osteoporosis.  Our physical therapists understand how to navigate comorbidities such as degenerative joint and spinal conditions or tendon issues that prevent productive participation in an effective bone health program that other professionals lack.

Folsom Physical Therapy’s Osteoporosis Mitigation program can assist in:

  • Preventing, mitigating and potentially reversing osteoporosis through lifestyle adaptations, dietary changes and exercise.
  • Mitigating fall risk through balance, agility, strength and multitasking training.
  • Reducing the fear of fractures associated with falls that so often sideline people from activities with family and friends.
  • Providing cost-effective ongoing support necessary to keep clients consistent with the program into the elderly years

Treatments may include:

  • A physical therapy evaluation of the client’s overall physical capabilities, musculoskeletal issues, fitness, balance, agility and motor planning skills.
  • Instructions and supervision of an individually designed home and in-clinic exercise programs directed at enhancing bone density.
  • Hands-on, exercise, ergonomic and ADL management to address musculoskeletal comorbidities that may inhibit sustained participation in the osteoporosis program.
  • Participation in our gym and group exercise sessions.
Logan working with a patient

Your First Visit

For your first visit, please arrive 15 to 30 minutes early to complete the new patient paperwork. You may also download the intake paperwork and fill it out before you arrive. Please bring the filled-out forms with you to your appointment or email them to frontdesk@folsomphysicaltherapy.com.

Please complete the following form:

Payment and Insurance Information

The level of service provided at Folsom Physical Therapy (FPT) cannot be delivered within the constraints of the insurance industry. While we are in-network providers for Medicare, FPT is out-of-network with all other insurance carriers.

Self pay clients pay at the time of service and FPT then provides them a superbill to submit to their HSA plan or insurance carrier for reimbursement. Some insurance carriers may require a doctor’s referral to qualify for reimbursement.

Our self pay rates are as follows:

  • Initial evaluation: $195
  • Initial evaluation with Michael Moore: $225
  • Standard follow-up: $125
  • Extended follow-up: $190

See our Good Faith Estimate. 

What Our Clients Say

Mary R.

Awesome therapists and exercise classes run by a therapist. Their focus is on getting patients well; it is a positive and encouraging environment. They have the best therapists, well worth the drive if you don’t live in the Sacramento area. Personally, I wouldn’t go anywhere else for physical therapy.

Mary R.
San Francisco, CA via Yelp
Amy B.

Folsom Physical Therapy is a great place to heal as well as strengthen to prevent future injuries.  I love the exercise classes led by physical therapists.  They help keep you safe while adding variety to your workout program.  Very knowledgeable, caring staff!

Amy B.
Folsom, CA

Request an Appointment

Please indicate your preferred therapist, if any, and someone from our appointment desk will get back to you. If you would like to call to book your appointment, our number is (916) 355-8500.

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Our Professional Affiliations

Folsom Physical Therapy and Training Center
115 Natoma Street
Folsom, CA 95630
Phone: (916) 355-8500
Fax: (916) 355-8196

Independent Gym
7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Appointment Desk
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Fitness Classes

M/W/F 8:00 am
M/W 10:00 am, 2:30 pm
T/TH 6:30 am, 9:30 am, 2:30 pm