Want to Lower Your Risk of Developing Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease?
55 million people worldwide suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. While there is currently no cure for these diseases, with intentional lifestyle changes you can decrease your dementia risk, prioritize your brain health, and prevent cognitive...
New Research Links Diet Factors to Cancer Risk
Recent studies have found that a poor diet decreases overall wellness and longevity, including increasing the risk of developing certain cancers. In 2019, a study published in JNCI Cancer Spectrum estimated that 5.2 percent of new invasive cancer cases in 2015...
Want to reap the full benefits of your workout? Make sure to protect your joint structures.
To gain the full benefits of exercise, you must train on a sustained basis. In order to keep training regularly, it is of the utmost importance to train in a way that protects your joint structures. This is especially true for those of you who exercise as a way to...