Flexibility: A Key to Optimizing Your Health, Physical Performance, Mobility and Longevity
Impaired flexibility is rarely a significant issue for the healthy population under 35 years of age. However, it is a nearly universal byproduct of aging and can inhibit athletic performance at all ages. Impaired flexibility contributes to musculoskeletal discomfort...
A Physical Therapist’s Tools for Treating Pain
By Angie Blaikie, MPT Pain is one of the less desirable parts of the human condition. We all experience it at multiple points in our lives, in different ways. The conditions we are under when we experience pain can affect how that pain feels as well as how long it...
Gym and Group Exercise Update
We are excited to reopen the gym and resume in-clinic group exercises in the near future. We are somewhat grateful that Sac County currently only allows gyms to be open at 10% capacity as this gives us time to see how COVID trends progress prior to setting a firm...
New Beginnings in the New Year
By Brigit Lim, MPT There are many negative things we can list off about the year 2020…loss of jobs, not being able to see friends and family, trying to navigate working from home while helping kids do school work online, an explosion of political polarizations, and...